If you live in Egg Harbor Township and are interested in saving money on your utility bill, consider adding a solar array to your home. Solar panels make you less dependent upon electricity providers, add value to your home, and pay for themselves through the savings they provide. The more people install solar panels on their homes, the greater solar’s reputation becomes. More and more New Jerseyans are going solar, and are enjoying the freedom and savings from doing so. And with the New Jersey Clean Energy Program, solar panels are now available for no money down!
Although there is a cost to installing solar panels, there are plenty of incentives and financing options available to absorb the expense. In fact, New Jersey is one of the best states for providing solar incentives to its residents. When you choose solar, your total expense will be less than your current monthly electricity bill. At 100K Solar, we help Egg Harbor residents understand how to capitalize on these incentives to make their solar installation a seamless and rewarding experience.
The great state of New Jersey offers a generous net metering program, which enables you to sell excess electricity back to your provider at retail price. This significantly reduces your electric bill. You can gain additional income through the state’s Transition Renewable Energy Certificate (TREC) program. New Jersey also offers solar buyers an exemption from sales tax, and no increase in property tax (from the increase in home value your solar array provides). These incentives combine with the federal solar tax credit (ITC), which further reduces the cost of your array by 26%.
The cost of installing solar panels on your Egg Harbor home is a function of a number of different factors. Some of these are:
The best way to determine exactly how much your panels will cost is with a free in-home consultation. When we come to your home, we examine the property carefully and evaluate those factors that might influence the cost of the installation. We determine which faces of the roof get the most sunlight, and identify any obstructions that block the sun. In some cases, the homeowner(s) may need to replace the roof.
The site inspection takes about 20 minutes to complete. After that, we sit with you for a brief interview, and enter these data points into our system. We educate you on the various incentives available at the federal and state level, and help you take advantage of them. Our application then generates specific information about the kind of system you will acquire, the number and type of panels you will need, and the monthly and total costs. We further adjust these variables to suit your particular concerns. Once the offer is to your liking, moving forward is no-brainer.
In many cases, people have been able to purchase their new systems for no money down. Keep in mind: Solar improves the value of your home substantially. Once it’s paid off, you get the benefit of savings on your electric bill every single month going forward, until you move or replace your panels.
We Offer a No Cost System.
We Pay for the Solar Panels.
We Pay for the Installation.
The State of New Jersey reimburses 100k Solar
Once the financing is approved and the permits are granted, installation typically takes less than one day. Our team of expert technicians arrives in the morning to begin work, and is done by early to mid-afternoon. We may need additional time if homeowners want a larger array, or if there are other site-specific considerations. The project can also take longer if there are obstructions that need to be removed (e.g. trees), or if the house needs a new roof. We typically address these issues prior to installation, as they don’t require permits.
At 100K Solar, we wish to emphasize that throughout this process, we will work hard to make sure that you understand each step, and why it is necessary. And once we are done, we will show you how to use your system, and help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise moving forward. We go the extra mile to help you recognize your system’s potential. By helping our homeowners learn to take charge of their system, they are better equipped to make it their own and enjoy it. This level of care also enables them to take better care of it.
When you add solar panels to your home in New Jersey, you will reap a number of financial benefits that make it more than worth your while. Here are some of the biggest incentives available:
Thanks to the New Jersey Clean Energy Program, it is possible to add a new solar array to your home for no money down. There are certain requirements for this; if you call our office, we can explain how to make this happen.
You can save 26% of the price of your solar array through the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). To qualify, you must purchase the system outright (either with cash, or a loan).
The state of New Jersey provides its residents with the right to sell excess power back to their provider at retail price. This enables the consumer to make money from their system, and offset their power bill.
For every Megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity your panels produce, they also generate one TREC. TRECs can be sold back to providers to help them show the state how well they are meeting federal and state guidelines for renewable energy creation. For every kW in size your system is, estimate that you can generate 1 MWh/year. When you sell one TREC for $91.20, that’s a nice chunk of change going straight into your pocket.
In New Jersey, you will not be paying sales tax when you purchase your array. Normally, sales tax would be 7%.
Although adding your solar array will increase the value of your home, you will not pay any property tax on the difference.
For some, the process of obtaining solar panels may seem daunting, but it really isn’t. In terms of stress, it’s as easy as inviting a contractor to your home to discuss painting your downstairs. The key difference is that instead of discussing colors, you will be talking about money. Keep in mind, we want and need satisfied customers. If a year later you are not happy with your system, that doesn’t reflect well on us. We will make every effort to ensure you are making an informed decision.
Give us a call today, and schedule your free consultation. We promise that it won’t take long, and that once we are finished, you will have a clear roadmap moving forward. Everyone in government praises renewable energy, and they have made it easy for consumers to save money. Find out how when we meet for your consultation.
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